Types of constructors

Type of Constructors.

⇒In C++  a constructor is an special Member function which automatically gets called . Whenever, the object of a class is initialised.
⇒The constructor is defined by defining the Member function or method name and class name are same or similar.
↦There are four types of constructors . They are
A】Default Constructor
⇒Constructor are accessed automatically, when the object is initialised or created.
⇒ one's object is created constructors are invoked automatically.
Class_name <object_name>;
  • Sample program
class x
cout<<"Hi shashi";
int main()
x a;
return 0;
B】Parameterized Constructor

⇒In C++, Parametrized Constructor is as like as default constructor .But, the constructor which has the arruguments is known as the Parameterized Constructor.
  • Sample program
class area
area(double r)
cout<<"area of circle="<<(r*r*3.14)<<endl;
int main()
area a(3.5);
return 0;
C】Copy Constructor
⇒A copy constructor is a Member function which initializes an object using another object of the same class.

  • Sample program

class emp
int id;
emp(int s)
emp(emp &a)
void show()
{cout<<id; }
int main()
  emp x(50);
  emp y(x);
  emp z=x;
  emp t=x;
  cout<<"id of x=";
  cout<<"\nid of y=";
  cout<<"\nid of z=";
  cout<<"\nid of t=";
return 0;


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