Notations For Arthmatic Expression
Polish notation (or) prefix notation and expressions Converse
Polish notation are also known as a prefix notation is defined as in this notation system operator is written before the operands, Example of polish and notations or prefix notations is +AB or /CD.
Based on the operator position ,expressions are divided into three types . They are as follows.
- Infix expression
- Postfix expressions
- Prefix expression
Infix expression
In infix expression ,operators is used in between operands. The general structure of an infix expression is as follows .
Operand1 operator Operand2
>>Operators are written in between their operations .
>>This is used in our common mathematical expression .
The operators forward of evolution are preformed from left to right and it obeys precedence rules i.e multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.
>>Bracket can be used to change the order of evolution .
Ex :-
a)A + B
Postfix Notation
>>In postfix expression operator is used after operations ,we can say that "operator follows the operands".
The general structure of postfix expression is as follows .
Operand1 operand2 opera ter2
>>Operators are written after their operators .
>>The order of evolution of operator is always from right to left .
>>Bracket cannot be used to changes the order of evaluation .
a)AB+. b)xyz+*. c)ab+
Prefix notations( Polish notations)
>>In prefix expression operator is used before operands, we can say that "operate in follows the operator"
>>The general structure of the prefix expression is as follow .
Operator Operand1 Operand2
>>Operators are written before their operands.
>>Order of evolution from left to right.
Ex:- a)+AB. b)*x+yz. c)+ab