Difference between C & C++

 Differences between C and C++. 

1】C support procedural oriented programming paradigm for code development.1】C++ supports both procedural and object oriented programming paradigm.     
2】C supports top down approach.2】C++ supports bottom top approach.
3】When we compared to C++ ,c is a subset of C++3】 C++ superset of c
 4】C does not support object oriented programming paradigm. Therefore it has no support for polymorphism encapsulation and inheritance .4】Baingan object oriented programming language c++ supports polymorphism encapsulation and inheritance.
5】In C data and functions are separate entities therefore the mapping between functions is different and complex.5】In C++ data and functions are encapsulated together . Therefore the mapping between data and functions are easy.
6】In c data free entities and can be manipulted by the outside code . This is because of C does not support information hiding.6】In C++ encapsulation hides the data to ensure that the data is used as inheritation.

 7】C ,begins a procedural programming ,it is a function driven language.

7】C++, being an object oriented programming . It is an object driven language.
8】C uses functions for input and output .For example scanf and printf.8】C++ uses of objects for input and output . For example cin and  cout.
 9】C has no support of virtual and friend function.9】C++ supports a virtual and friend function
10】C provide maclloc() and calloc() functions for dynamic memory allocation and free for memory deallocation.10】C++ provides new operator for memory allocation and delete operator for memory deallocation
11】C obsen't provide support for error handling(Also call expectation handling)
11】C++ provide support for exception handling.


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