Infix to postfix converstion
Infix to Postfix Conversation
Procedure :-
1.Scan the infix string from left to right .
2.Initialise an empty stack
3.If the scanned character is an operand,add to the postfix string .
4.If the scanned character is an operator, and if the stack is empty push the character to stack.
5.Repeat 4 steps till the characters are scanned.
6.After all characters are scanned, we have to add any character that the stock may have to the postfix string .
7.If stock is not empty add Top stack to postfix string and pop the stack.
8.Repeat the steps as long as stack is not empty.
Conversation Infix to Postfix
in put | out put |
(a+b)*(c-d) (+b)*(c-d) b*(c-d) *(c-d) *(-d) *(-) * Empty |
- a a+ ab+ ab+c ab+cd ab+cd- ((ab+)(cd-)) |